Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Day 13

This morning was a beautiful dawning at Myrtle Beach.  We make our tea/coffee, relaxed for a few minutes then decided to head out. It was just about 8:00 (again) when we got underway.  There are a lot of no wake zones around Myrtle Beach so we pretty much idled along, not in a particular hurry.  There was a following current pushing us along at 7+ knots, even though we were basically at idle.  I estimated the trip today to be about 50 miles.  Once we were out of the Myrtle Beach area we could speed up a bit and with the current we were doing an unheard of 11.2 knots at 1200 RPMs.  Making time and saving fuel too.  I like it.  There were some pretty desolate areas we went through, basically cypress swamps, you couldn’t see any sign of civilization, no houses, no roads, and no other people at all.  Only occasionally did we get passed by another boat.  They were the only people we saw for miles and miles

Dawn over Myrtle Beach

One thing we did notice was the amount of debris floating in the water.  There was a lot of vegetation, swamp grasses and what might have been some sort of floating water lily.  They were all over.  We were dodging them for quite a distance because you never know if there is something attached underwater that you can’t see, or suck something into your intakes.  In fact, we did see several logs large sticks floating by.  They could really ruin your day if you hit one or got it into your prop.

Nothing much to see here

Or here

Or here either
We made Georgetown S.C. by 2:00 p.m. and got tied up with no problem.  If you are not familiar with Georgetown, it is a small quaint southern town, very old with lots of those stately homes with the columns and big porches.  The downtown is quiet and picturesque.  We will probably be here for a couple of days, the winds are predicted to be quite strong on Tuesday with even stronger  gusts on Wednesday.  We were going to be anchored on the hook those days and I didn’t like the idea of being anchored in 35-40 mph gusts.  Would not be a pleasant time.  So here we are in Georgetown, tied to a floating dock only steps from downtown.  Sounds much better to me.

Until Tomorrow, over and out.

Interesting 3 masted steel hulled boat.

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